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Quick Links. Table of Contents. Owner' s Manual Page 3 Off-Road Navigation Warnings If your Garmin device is able to suggest off-road routes for various outdoor activities, such as biking, hiking, and all-terrain vehicles, follow these guidelines to ensure safe off-road navigation. Page 4: Battery Warnings weather- related trail conditions can have on the safety of your activity.

Ensure that you have the proper gear and supplies for your activity before navigating along unfamiliar paths and trails. Battery Warnings A lithium-ion battery can be used in this device. Coin cell batteries can be used in the acces- sory. Page 5: Product Environmental Programs See www. To view the full Declaration of Conformity, go to www. Garmin Ltd. Page 9 iv damage caused by service performed by anyone who is ค ม อ binary option an authorized service provider of Garmin; or v damage to a product that has been modified or altered without the written permission of Garmin, or vi damage Page 11 Write the tracking number clearly on the outside of the package.

Send the device, freight charges prepaid, to any Garmin warranty service station. Online Auction Purchases: Products purchased through online auctions are not eligible for rebates or other special offers from Garmin warranty coverage. Page 12 The benefits under our Limited Warranty are in addition to other rights and remedies under applicable law in relation to the products. Phone: Page Device Overview Press to start and stop the timer.

Screen Orientation You can customize the screen orientation in the device settings on your Garmin Connect account. The device can display data in land- scape or portrait orientation. Touchscreen Tips You can use the touchscreen to interact with many device features.

Activity Tracking and Features Some features require a paired smartphone. Page 19 Icons represent different device features. You can swipe to scroll through the differ- ent features. Some features require a paired smartphone. Page 20 The total number of steps taken for the ค ม อ binary option, your step goal for the day, ค ม อ binary option, and your progress toward your goal.

Your current heart rate and seven- day average resting heart rate in beats per minute bpm, ค ม อ binary option. The amount of total calories burned for the current day, ค ม อ binary option, including both active and resting calories. Page 21 If you choose not to use the auto goal feature, ค ม อ binary option, you can set a personalized step goal on your Garmin Connect ค ม อ binary option. Move Bar Sitting for prolonged periods of time can trigger undesirable metabolic state changes.

The move bar reminds you to keep moving. Recording a Fitness Activity You can record a timed activity, which can be saved and sent to your Garmin Connect account. Page Sleep Tracking Sleep statistics include total hours of sleep, sleep levels, and sleep move- ment. You can set your normal sleep hours in the user settings on your Garmin Connect account.

You can view your sleep statistics on your Garmin Connect account. TIP: You can use your Garmin Connect account to customize activity mode alerts, ค ม อ binary option, including your interval times, pace goal, and recurring alert goals Page Acquiring Satellite Signals It may take 30 to 60 seconds to locate satellite signals. While connected to your Garmin Connect account, the device downloads several days of satellite data, allowing it to quickly locate satellite signals.

Notifications: Alerts you to notifications from your smartphone, including calls, texts, social network updates, and more, based on your smartphone notification settings. Page 34 Mobile app, including notifications and activity uploads to Garmin Connect. Notifications: Allows you to enable phone noti- fications from your compatible smartphone. You can use the Show Calls Only option to display ค ม อ binary option for only incoming phone calls.

Connect Alert: Allows you to enable an Page 36 10 minutes. You can view the event type and duration on your Garmin Connect timeline, but they do not appear in your activities list, snapshots, or newsfeed.

For more detail and accuracy, you can record a timed activity on your device. Page Customizing Your Device Connect account.

Page 38 Units: Sets the device to display the distance traveled in kilometers or miles. Page 39 Auto Pause: Allows your device to pause the timer automatically when you stop moving. Data Fields: Allows you to customize the data screens that appear during a timed activity. Press the device key to view the menu, and select Language: Sets the device language.

Time: Sets the device to display time in a The device automatically enters do not disturb mode during your normal sleep hours.

For more information, go to Garmin. Viewing Device Information You can view the unit ID, software version, regulatory information, and remaining battery power. See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the product box for product warnings and other important information. The ค ม อ binary option cradle contains a magnet, ค ม อ binary option.

Under certain circumstances, magnets may cause interference with some medical devices, including pacemakers and insulin pumps. Page Device Care 3 Charge the device completely.

Using the Device in Charging Mode You can interact with the device while charging it with your computer. For example, you can ค ม อ binary option Bluetooth connected features or customize device settings. Page Cleaning The Device 1 Wipe the device using a cloth dampened with a mild detergent solution.

After cleaning, allow the device to dry com- pletely. TIP: For more information, ค ม อ binary option to Garmin. Page Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Tips for Erratic Heart Rate Data If the heart rate data is erratic or does not ap- pear, you can try these tips.

Appendix Fitness Goals Knowing your heart rate zones can help you measure and improve your fitness by under- standing and applying these principles. Page About Heart Rate Zones minus your age. About Heart Rate Zones Many athletes use heart rate zones to measure and increase their cardiovascular strength and improve their level of fitness.

A heart rate zone is a set range of heartbeats per minute. The five commonly accepted heart rate zones are numbered from 1 to 5 according to increasing intensity. Page Heart Rate Zone Calculations Heart Rate Zone Calculations Maxi- Perceived Zone Benefits Exertion Heart Rate Relaxed, easy Begin- pace, rhythmic ning-level breathing aerobic train- ing, reduces stress Comfortable Basic car- pace, slightly diovascular deeper breath- training, good ing, conversa- recovery tion possible pace Moderate pace, Improved more difficult aerobic Pembacaan denyut jantung Page termasuk tanda-tanda jejak, kondisi jejak, kondisi cuaca, dan faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi keselamatan saat bernavigasi.

Demi keselamatan, selalu atasi masalah ketidaksesuaian sebelum melanjut- kan navigasi, dan gunakan tanda-tanda dan kondisi yang ditampilkan. Menggunakan baterai lain mengandung risiko terjadinya kebakaran atau ledakan. Page Garmin Anda atau situs Web ค ม อ binary option. Page Pengoperasian harus memenuhi dua kondisi berikut ini: 1 perangkat ini tidak boleh menyebabkan gang- guan, dan 2 perangkat ini harus menerima setiap gangguan, termasuk gangguan yang dapat menyebabkan pengoperasian yang tidak diinginkan dari perangkat.

Page Produk ini tidak berisikan komponen yang dapat diservis oleh pengguna. Perbaikan hanya boleh dilakukan oleh pusat layanan resmi Garmin. Perbaikan atau modifi- kasi yang tidak dibenarkan bisa mengakibatkan kerusakan permanen pada peralatan, dan membatalkan garansi Anda dan hak Anda untuk mengoperasikan perangkat ini sesuai Bagian 15 dalam peraturan.

Lebih lanjut, Anda me Page Produk Garmin ini digaransikan terhadap kerusakan material atau pengerjaan selama 1 tahun dari tanggal pembelian. Dalam periode ini, Garmin akan, atas kehendak sendiri, mem- perbaiki atau mengganti komponen yang gagal dalam penggunaan normal. Perbaikan atau penggantian tersebut akan dilakukan tanpa Page Garmin tidak memberikan garansi terhadap akurasi atau kelengkapan data peta.

Perbaikan memiliki garansi 90 hari. Jika unit Page Garmin. Konfirmasi lelang online ti- dak diterima dalam verifikasi garansi. Untuk mendapatkan layanan garansi, diperlukan salinan atau dokumen asli bukti penjualan dari toko penjual.

Garmin tidak akan meng- ganti komponen yang hilang dari kemasan yang dibeli melalui lelang online. Pembelian Internasional: Garansi terpisah Page Manfaat dalam Garansi Terbatas kami merupakan tambahan atas hak lain dan perbaikan di bawah undang-undang yang berlaku dalam kaitannya dengan produk.

Telepon: Page Tekan untuk memulai dan menghentikan timer. Orientasi Layar Anda dapat menyesuaikan orientasi layar dalam pengaturan perangkat pada akun Garmin Connect Anda.

Perangkat dapat menampilkan data dalam orientasi lanskap atau potret. Tips Layar Sentuh Anda dapat mengunakan layar sentuh untuk berinteraksi dengan banyak fitur perangkat.

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, time: 17:22

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